Restaurants for Sale in Sun Prairie WI 53590
Are you looking to invest in the restaurant industry? Wisconsin offers a variety of restaurants for sale, providing potential business owners with an array of options. Whether you're interested in owning a cozy café or a bustling bar and grill, there are opportunities available throughout the state.
On this site you can search for Waterfront Restaurants, Steakhouse, Seafood, Diners, Cafes, Fast Food, Pizzerias, Eat Stands, Barbecues, Buffets, Coffee Houses, Bars & Grills, Pubs, Taverns, Family Style, Burger Joint, Ethnic Restaurants, Casual Dining, Food Truck Services, Other Restaurants; Greek, Italian, Mexican and more... located in this county, listed by a real estate agents. Wisconsin GIS MAP Information!
Sun Prairie WI 53590 - Commercial | Restaurants | Motels & Hotels | Schools & Churches | Apartments & Storage Buildings | Campgrounds & Resorts | Bars & Grills | ALL
Restaurants & Supper Clubs for Sale in Sun Prairie Wisconsin
The section above is populated by, a Landman Realty LLC website that scrapes WIREX. WIREX consists of about 9 Wisconsin MLS systems covering the majority of the state. You can register with under “Advance Search” and recreate these types of searches for Bars. Select COMMERCIAL under property type, Select a LOCATION and then Select RESTAURANTS / SUPPER CLUBS under Bus Com Type. Use CTRL to select multiple items OR SHIFT for multiple items in a row. If no properties are present, then check back often or register with to setup an auto email search so that you can be the first to know about newly listed Restaurants & Supper Clubs properties in the area of your choice! - REGISTER
Sun Prairie Zip Codes:
Sun Prairie WI 53590 Supper Clubs
People go to restaurants for a wide variety of reasons; some just need a quick bite to eat and others want a nice evening out a supper club during a night out on the town. Everyone has to eat, but they consider the type of foods, price and atmosphere when selecting a diner, fast food joint, café or restaurant. Some restaurant owners or managers have different types of events for every day for the week such as Happy Hour, Lunch Specials, Daily Specials, Weekly Specials, Miller Monday, Taco Tuesday, Wing Wednesday, Thirsty Thursday, Fish Fry Friday, Prime Rib Saturdays and Bloody Mary Sundays. What type of eater are you looking for?
Common Wisconsin Restaurant Foods
Food is part of the Bread and Butter of an establishment’s income be it a Steakhouse, Supper Club, Dinner, Eater or Cafe. Some of the most common restaurant foods are Steaks, Burgers, Fried Chicken, Pasta, Shrimp, French Fries, BBQ Ribs, Waffles, Pancakes, Bacon, Sausage, Hashbrowns, Omelets, Eggs, Pizza, Hot Dogs, Organic Salads, Sandwiches, Subs, Seafood, Fruit Salad, Stuffed Mushrooms, Tacos, Bread, Ham, Soft Drinks, Cocktails, Beer, Wine, Milk, Juice, Coffee, Tea, Duck, Yogurt, Pork Chops, Soups, Stews, Lasagna, Macaroni, Fried Rice, Stir-Fry, Bake Fish, Raw Vegetables, Roasted Veggies, Chili, Hot Chocolate, Roast Beef, Leg of Lamb, Corn Beef & Cabbage, BLT and sometimes dessert.
Unique Restaurant Themes and Concepts
Sure you have the normal style and themed restaurants like Mexican, Greek, Italian, Chinese, but what about the underwater café? If you cruise the internet super highway you can find all kinds of unique restaurant themes including: Aquariums, Barbecue Pit, Inside Out, Lakefront, Seasonal, Garden to Fork, Open Grill, Arcades, Movie, Theater, Shipping Container Cafes / Food Stands, Train Cart, Box Car, Airplane, Hanger, Underground Basement Concept, Beach Cabana, Chalkboard Café, Tiki Bar, Treehouse, Rooftop, Mood Changing, Mobile Food Wagons, Floating Table, Drive-In, Outdoor Theater, Dining in Beds / Couches, Sleek Design, Retro, All Glass, Brick, Wood, Steel, Modern Art, Touch Screen Menu, Car Themed, Laboratory, Converted Church, Hibachi, Checker Board, Color Themed, Clinic, Soup Kitchen, Bakery, Sushi Bar, Garage Bar, Luxury Supper Club, Celebrity Run, Sushi, Seafood Concept, Eco-Friendly, Urban Dining, At Home Gourmet, Bus and whatever the human brain can image. What style of restaurant are you thinking to own?
Types of Wisconsin Restaurants
- A Al Carte – Individual Dish Menu
- All You Can Eat Restaurants
- Banquet Halls
- Barbecue
- Bars
- Brasserie & Bistro - Soul Food
- Buffets
- Burger Joints
- Cafes
- Cafeterias
- Casual Dining
- Catering Services
- Chicago Style Restaurants
- Coffee Houses
- Concession Stands
- Diner
- Drive Through / Drive-in Restaurants
- Ethnic
- Family Style
- Fast Casual
- Fast Food
- Fast Food Chains
- Fine Dining
- Food Court
- Food Truck Services
- Food Wagon
- Franchised Chains
- Ghost Restaurants – Delivery Only!
- Greasy Spoon
- Greek Restaurants
- Grills
- Hot Dog Stands
- Italian Restaurants
- Kosher Restaurants
- Lunch Counter
- Luncheonette – Light Lunch type meals.
- Mexican Restaurants
- Nightclub
- Osteria – Wine Bar
- Pizzerias
- Pop-Up Restaurants
- Premium Casual
- Pub
- Restaurants
- Roadhouses
- Saloons
- Seafood Restaurant
- Snack Bar
- Steakhouse
- Tabletop Cooking
- Tapas – Tapas Bars – Spanish Bar & Grill
- Taverna – Greek Restaurant
- Taverns
- Teahouse
- Teppanyaki-ya – Japanese Restaurant
- Trattoria
Restaurant, Supper Club, Diner, Eater, Café Workers
Establishments create a lot of Wisconsin Jobs including; Chef, Staff, Bartenders, Server, Waitress, Waiter, Owners, Bouncer, Dishwasher, Barbacks, Cooks, Dish Washer, Sous Chef, Baker, Broiler, Security Guard, Host, Hostess, Managers, Assistant Manager, Kitchen Manager, Bar Manager, Busser, Cashier, Line Cook, Delivery Driver, even the occasional Door Guy.
Basic Restaurant Tools and Equipment
Silverware, Spoons, Forks, Knives, Plates, Glasses, Coffee Mugs, Bar Equipment, Bottle Openers, Shakers, Jiggers, Coolers, Freezer, Refrigerators, Cocktail Strainers, Corkscrews, Tables, Chairs, Bar Spoons, Pour Spouts, Blenders, Stoves, Ovens, Vent Hoods, Stainless Steel Commercial Appliances, Bar Towels, Can Opener, Cutting Boards, Dishwasher, Grill, Cash Register, Steam Cooking Equipment, Mixers, Baking Sheets, Pots, Pans, Mixing Bowl, Blender, Mixers, Food Prep Counters, Slicers, Sinks, Shelves, Safety Equipment, Toasters, Ice Machines, Rolling Pins, Measuring Cups and Spoons, Utensils and so much more…
Become a Wisconsin Restaurant Owner
Buying a restaurant can be quiet challenging but not as much as running the day to day operations. There are lots of purchasing decisions to make like do you buy a vacant lot and build the restaurant of your dreams OR do you purchase a preexisting building with an established restaurant with regular patrons. Wisconsin has lots of small towns with a wide variety of restaurants everything from the cafes to the waterfront diners with a signature menu serving the locals and out of town tourists. No matter what Wisconsin you choose there will be lots of stuff to do including hiring staff, picking out equipment, choosing the right supplies and vendors, making sure your patrons have stuff to do as the spend money in your place of business.